22-01-2024 Storm Isha narrative via Lynne Jones EA have just called. Both Greta Bridge and the Camp Site gauges should peak in the next hour. Derwentwater will go on rising until about 1am and should peak at around 2.4 at Lodore (that is much lower than Storm Ciara back in 2021 (2.94) We’ve a burst of rain through now then about 3mm in the next 3 hours so the levels will drop. Got some dry weather before the next rain event on Tuesday. Read complete narrative HERE 13-01-2023 Lynne Jones via Facebook: So yellow warning for rain from 21.00 tonight to lunchtime tomorrow. The quote from Met Office follows and IF (!!) the totals forecast for the high fells are accurate (and it moves through as expected) we should be reasonably OK. Forecasts have varied so it is hard to call. The river will react fast because Thirlmere is overspilling. 07-01-2023 Lynne Jones via Facebook: Thirlmere and Rain Not much wriggle room left in Thirlmere, just 40cms tonight and that will soon be gone I suspect. The Met Office promises another unsettled week ahead as a succession of Atlantic fronts bring regular bouts of rainfall/showers, totals adding up more over and to the west of the Pennines where the majority of the coming week’s rainfall will descend. Looks like a wet night ahead and then Tuesday there will be some heavy rain. There are currently no warnings for the coming week. The gaps between the rainfall events should help the area drain and recover. 03-01-2023 Ed Henderson via Facebook Lots of rain today and tonight. As soils are already at or close to saturation, there is likely to be some localised flooding. There is a flood alert for Borrowdale and Derwentwater and a flood warning for Keswick campsite. 07-10-2022 October start of bad weather ! Met Office update: Later tonight and during the first half of tomorrow morning an active weather front will spread a band of rain and locally strong winds SE’wards across Cumbria (and the rest of the Northwest). Although the event should be relatively short-lived there could well be some short-period heavy/very heavy rainfall associated with the front affecting parts of W/Cent/S Cumbria, though not on the scale of last Friday’s intense burst which resulted in the incidents in Borrowdale. Event rainfall totals tomorrow will also be well down on those of last Friday. There are no severe weather warnings in force for this event and this morning’s Flood Guidance Statement for Cumbria is green with no areas of concern highlighted for tomorrow. However, it is Friday again and, mindful of last Friday, this is simply a heads up for the heavy rain risk which could just result in one or two very localised and very temporary surface water issues in and around the valleys but which, hopefully, will pass through without anything untoward occurring. 09-08-2022 Amber warning of extreme heat issued by the Met Office. Areas affected: East Midlands | East of England | London & South East England | North West England | South West England | Wales | West Midlands | Yorkshire & Humber Starts: 00:00 BST on Thu 11 August Ends: 23:59 BST on Sun 14 August A hot spell will develop across parts of England and Wales later this week. - Adverse health effects are likely to be experienced by those vulnerable to extreme heat - The wider population are likely to experience some adverse health effects including sunburn or heat exhaustion (dehydration, nausea, fatigue) and other heat related illnesses - Some changes in working practices and daily routines likely to be required - An increased chance that some heat-sensitive systems and equipment may fail. - More people are likely to visit coastal areas, lakes, rivers and other beauty spots leading to an increased risk of water safety and fire-related incidents. - Some delays to road, rail and air travel are possible, with potential for welfare issues for those who experience prolonged delays 21-02-2022 14:00 A Mixed bag of storms over the last three days. Dudley, closely followed by Eunic and then Franklin. Mostly wind related with also Rain and Snow, all triggering yellow warnings over the period 18th Feb to 21st Feb. Rest of the week looks unsettled with some rain and blustery conditions. Thankfully Keswick was spared severe disruption … This Time ! 15-02-2022 10:00 Approaching from the Atlantic, Storm Dudley with amber warning covering Cumbria. Expected high winds with some impact on road, rail and infrastructure. Followed on Friday by Storm Eunice on Friday. Though there will be some rain the significant events will be high winds. Amber wind warning now earlier for tomorrow from 16.00 through to midnight. Yes, it will be horrible with some surface water problems in places but the rainfall radar gives us plenty of gaps of dryer weather so it looks far from a "Desmond" experience which gave us 30+ hours of intense rainfall. Eunice might result in blizzard conditions on the fells but snow at least holds the water back IMHO!! Batten down the hatches folks, LJ via Facebook. 12-02-2022 00:00 Unsettled weather for the next week of Atlantic fronts bringing Wind and Rain. Maybe wind / rain impact locally. Deepening depression in the Atlantic approaching for mid week. 05-12-2021 13:00 Storm barra is approaching from the Atlantic . Expect disturbed weather Tuesday and Wednesday with high winds, Snow and Rain a strong possibility for the North of England. More details as it developes. 29-10-2021 12:30 Coming weather events: Unsettled with reduced rainfall across Cumbria with some drier days. Further rain warnings expected, but all low impact. 28-10-2021 13:30 Update from CCC on the surface water flood prevention systems: The Springs Road basin has taken 93.4mm of rain in the past 24hrs and still has 200mm of free board before it starts to use the emergency spill way so coping well. ( CCC get alarms when the basin reaches 850mm close to the 1m level for spill). Pumping Station Penrith Road: The pumping station in Penrith road has been running since 12:00 midnight and is still cycling through the 2 pumps every 20 mins instead of 2mins when it started. Have been out checking, CW is fine, Portinscale road was passable but will not take much for it to flood again, the storm culverts were almost underwater, Low Briery was Ok, school playing fields etc. swamped. UU have acknowledged a sewer is blocked and are on their way to fix it. The flows around Low Brigham will be a longer battle to win I fear. 28-10-2021 11:10 Rain slowly dissipating during the afternoon, Amber warnings being kept in place, rivers seem to have peaked, some flooding on roads. Weekend unsettled with further rain moving through. 28-10-2021 09:10 I reported foul water flooding from manhole covers on Penrith Road by the telephone exchange around midnight last night. The manhole covers were almost bursting off, there was some pretty disgusting stuff on the road AND there was a stream running both sides of Low Brigham Cottages (which face the old railway line alongside Denton House) which had never happened before the WCPT was put in above the area. An off-duty fire officer said there was a hole in the land at the back of the cottages with water surcharging out. The water flowed along Penrith Road. This is not the first time we have reported it, I remember talking to UU about it. So I phoned the 0333 240 548 number and asked to speak to the on-call Allerdale person. 28-10-2021 07:50 Rain has eased for a bit and the river seems to have peaked below the level that floods the park. Thank goodness Thirlmere had so much space!! The main rain band ought to pull away by 3pm. We've had over 111mm of rain in 24 hours in Keswick. The highest 24 hour amount for Honister was 305mm. To compare: during Desmond it was 341mm in 24 hours at Honister (Ciara 177mm). Derwentwater is still rising and is 3.27 as compared with Desmond 4.05 and Ciara 2.94. All that will take a while to shift down the catchment. I suspect that without CCC's pumps at Elliott Park and Penrith Road there would be a lot of homes in Keswick with problems this morning. We should celebrate what has been achieved, pay tribute to the money that has been spent here ..... but still keep our fingers crossed as winter hasn't got started properly yet. My thanks to CCC's Doug Coyle who always takes my calls even in the dead of night. 27-10-2021 20:50 We've had some really high rainfall totals on the fells. Thirlmere has gone up by about a metre in the last 24 hours which is hardly surprising given Dale Head has recorded 93.8mm of rain over that period. The highest totals are for Honister, 215.8mm, so Borrowdale is suffering and Derwentwater is rising. To put levels in perspective the Lodore reading now is 2.28 and at peak for Storm Ciara it was about 2.94. Greta Bridge is currently on 2.44 and the peak for Ciara was 4.24 which was effectively at the base of the glass panels. We do have a lot of rain to come but the space in the reservoir is a bonus for those of us who watch the river. 27-10-2021 10:31 Thirlmere about 6m below spillway. Honister area worst affected by rain. Continueing rain impacts expected over the next few days. 26-10-2021 13:00 MEDIUM IMPACT YELLOW RAIN WARNING for Wednesday and Thursday. Slow moving weather front over Cumbria with high moisture content over the Fells. Low flood risk over the next two days. 25-10-2021 12:00 Heavy rain expected Wednesday night and Thursday morning. Yellow warning ( possible Medium impacts ) issued for much of Cumbria ). Locally to Keswick Thirlmere has lots of space at the moment. 05-10-2021 17:30 OK latest folks. I think the rain is going to stop by 6pm and, unless it sticks on the high fells, things will improve. EA is hoping this is the case but as
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13-01-2023 Lynne Jones via Facebook: So yellow warning for rain from 21.00 tonight to lunchtime tomorrow. The quote from Met Office follows and IF (!!) the totals forecast for the high fells are accurate (and it moves through as expected) we should be reasonably OK. Forecasts have varied so it is hard to call. The river will react fast because Thirlmere is overspilling. 07-01-2023 Lynne Jones via Facebook: Thirlmere and Rain Not much wriggle room left in Thirlmere, just 40cms tonight and that will soon be gone I suspect. The Met Office promises another unsettled week ahead as a succession of Atlantic fronts bring regular bouts of rainfall/showers, totals adding up more over and to the west of the Pennines where the majority of the coming week’s rainfall will descend. Looks like a wet night ahead and then Tuesday there will be some heavy rain. There are currently no warnings for the coming week. The gaps between the rainfall events should help the area drain and recover. 03-01-2023 Ed Henderson via Facebook Lots of rain today and tonight. As soils are already at or close to saturation, there is likely to be some localised flooding. There is a flood alert for Borrowdale and Derwentwater and a flood warning for Keswick campsite. 13-01-2023 Lynne Jones via Facebook: So yellow warning for rain from 21.00 tonight to lunchtime tomorrow. The quote from Met Office follows and IF (!!) the totals forecast for the high fells are accurate (and it moves through as expected) we should be reasonably OK. Forecasts have varied so it is hard to call. The river will react fast because Thirlmere is overspilling. 07-01-2023 Lynne Jones via Facebook: Thirlmere and Rain Not much wriggle room left in Thirlmere, just 40cms tonight and that will soon be gone I suspect. The Met Office promises another unsettled week ahead as a succession of Atlantic fronts bring regular bouts of rainfall/showers, totals adding up more over and to the west of the Pennines where the majority of the coming week’s rainfall will descend. Looks like a wet night ahead and then Tuesday there will be some heavy rain. There are currently no warnings for the coming week. The gaps between the rainfall events should help the area drain and recover. 03-01-2023 Ed Henderson via Facebook Lots of rain today and tonight. As soils are already at or close to saturation, there is likely to be some localised flooding. There is a flood alert for Borrowdale and Derwentwater and a flood warning for Keswick campsite. 07-10-2022 October start of bad weather ! Met Office update: Later tonight and during the first half of tomorrow morning an active weather front will spread a band of rain and locally strong winds SE’wards across Cumbria (and the rest of the Northwest). Although the event should be relatively short-lived there could well be some short-period heavy/very heavy rainfall associated with the front affecting parts of W/Cent/S Cumbria, though not on the scale of last Friday’s intense burst which resulted in the incidents in Borrowdale. Event rainfall totals tomorrow will also be well down on those of last Friday. There are no severe weather warnings in force for this event and this morning’s Flood Guidance Statement for Cumbria is green with no areas of concern highlighted for tomorrow. However, it is Friday again and, mindful of last Friday, this is simply a heads up for the heavy rain risk which could just result in one or two very localised and very temporary surface water issues in and around the valleys but which, hopefully, will pas 07-10-2022 October start of bad weather ! Met Office update: Later tonight and during the first half of tomorrow morning an active weather front will spread a band of rain and locally strong winds SE’wards across Cumbria (and the rest of the Northwest). Although the event should be relatively short-lived there could well be some short-period heavy/very heavy rainfall associated with the front affecting parts of W/Cent/S Cumbria, though not on the scale of last Friday’s intense burst which resulted in the incidents in Borrowdale. Event rainfall totals tomorrow will also be well down on those of last Friday. There are no severe weather warnings in force for this event and this morning’s Flood Guidance Statement for Cumbria is green with no areas of concern highlighted for tomorrow. However, it is Friday again and, mindful of last Friday, this is simply a heads up for the heavy rain risk which could just result in one or two very localised and very temporary surface water issues in and around the valleys but which, hopefully, will pas which resulted in the incidents in Borrowdale. Event rainfall totals tomorrow will also be well down on those of last Friday. There are no severe weather warnings in force for this event and this morning’s Flood Guidance Statement for Cumbria is green with no areas of concern highlighted for tomorrow. However, it is Friday again and, mindful of last Friday, this is simply a heads up for the heavy rain risk which could just result in one or two very localised and very temporary surface water issues in and around the valleys but which, hopefully, will pass through without anything untoward occurring. 09-08-2022 Amber warning of extreme heat issued by the Met Office. Areas affected: East Midlands | East of England | London & South East England | North West England | South West England | Wales | West Midlands
Weather narrative 22-01-2024 Storm Isha narrative via Lynne Jones EA have just called. Both Greta Bridge and the Camp Site gauges should peak in the next hour. Derwentwater will go on rising until about 1am and should peak at around 2.4 at Lodore (that is much lower than Storm Ciara back in 2021 (2.94) We’ve a burst of rain through now then about 3mm in the next 3 hours so the levels will drop. Got some dry weather before the next rain event on Tuesday. Read complete narrative HERE
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