Stay in and Tune in! Radio Cumbria 104.1FM Information from Keswick Flood Action Group revised November 2021 BE PREPARED Part 2 Prior to and Imminent Flooding … Information Leaflet from Keswick Flood Action Group Make sure you have adequate insurance – If you have real problems getting cover contact the National Flood Forum on 01299-403055 or contact the British Insurance Brokers Association on 08770-950-1790. Unless you are diverting a small amount of flowing water sandbags are not a lot of use. Consider buying flood protection products such as lockable air brick covers and flood gates for all external doors. Many insurance companies will only recognise products which are kite marked to comply to British Standards as part of a package of measures put in place to help with insurance applications. Products which have been tested and qualify for the Kite Mark can be found on: services/building/flood-protection.php Other useful products: waterproof tape to seal windows, large waterproof bags which chairs can be lifted into (if all else fails a bin bags sealed around table legs can help protect furniture!) Make sure you are registered with the Environment Agency to receive Flood Alert and Flood Warning messages. NEED HELP IN THE EVENT OF A FLOOD? To register contact heather Askew who organises the flood response team (Keswick 017687- 80924 part-time usually Mondays & Fridays). We will then have arrangements in place to get a team of helpers out to you should a flood be imminent. MAKE A PLAN NOW – Have emergency telephone numbers to hand, a plastic bag with items you will need: torch, battery or wind-up radio, mobile phone, keys, rubber gloves, medication, food and a flask. Make sure boots, warm and waterproof clothing and/or blankets are easily accessible. Don’t forget there might be a power cut!! Keep important personal documents/photos and details of your insurance policy at a safe height. Make sure you know where to turn off your gas, electricity and water, label the switches etc. to remind yourself if necessary. Discuss as a family where you might all meet up if a flood is imminent- - remember roads/bridges may be closed. ONCE A FLOOD WARNING IS ISSUED Look after elderly and infirm neighbours and ensure their safety. Be ready to turn off water, gas and electricity supplies at the mains. Move your car to a safe place, make sure everyone – including pets - are safe. Charge your mobile phone, check radio/torch batteries, fill flask/containers with water in case supply contaminated. Put your flood defences in place – if you have nothing else plastic bags filled with soil can be used. Don’t forget to block sinks/baths/ground floor toilets to prevent backflow if you do not have backflow valves fitted. Make sure the dishwasher door is shut and that water cannot get into the house through washing machines etc. Move electrical items and valuables, including important documents and irreplaceable photos, to a first floor or higher. Listen to Radio Cumbria 104.1FM, the TV or check the Environment Agency web site for Keswick area to get accurate information. IN THE EVENT OF A FLOOD Floods can kill. Never try to walk or drive through floodwater. WAIT for the emergency services. Follow their instructions. If an evacuation order is issued you MUST comply. Remember to secure your property, sadly burglars target homes in the chaos of floods. Keep away from river banks/bridges - they may collapse in extreme situations or you may be swept off by large waves. Avoid contact with floodwater - it may be contaminated with sewage. Taking photos/noting the time of events will give the various authorities a clearer picture of how the flood develops. Call Floodline on 0345-988-1188 for the latest information and stay tuned to local radio.
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You have the option to be contacted when there is simply the lower warning. Flood Alert (used 2 hours to 2 days in advance of flooding to enable you to be prepared and monitor local water levels/flood forecasts. On the EA web site) or for Flood Warning (used half an hour to one day in advance of flooding – a time to make sure family, pets and valuables are in a safe place, to turn off power and water supplies if safe to do so and to put flood protection equipment in place), and Severe Flood Warning (when flooding poses a significant threat to life and you should stay in a safe place with a means of escape, be ready to evacuate your home and to co-operate with the emergency services, call 999 if you are in danger). REPORT AN EMERGENCY FLOODING SITUATION: to Environment Agency Incident Hotline 0800-80-70-60 (Ask to be put through to the Flood Warning Duty Officer, Penrith), Or contact the Police or Fire Brigade by dialling 999. BLOCKED DRAINS: Report to Highways Dept Tel 0845-609-6609 / email SANDBAGS: are not provided by Allerdale Borough Council. You are responsible for getting them for your property. Keswick Flood Recovery Group has a number of sandbags and Floodsaxs. These can be collected in advance from Keswick Flood Recovery Group Project Leader on 017687- 80924. In the event of flooding these will be used to protect any building or area considered a priority at the time. RIVER LEVELS ONLINE: The Environment Agency display river levels online. Add this site to your “favourites”. River and Sea levels in England. http://www.environment- x Reservoir level for Thirlmere https://flood-warning- River level at Greta Bridge https://flood-warning- WATCH THE WEATHER !! Links from the KFAG site: Sign up for emailed weather warnings on http:/ ubscriber/new Met Office Weather Warnings for Keswick: ecast_weather.html Weather Forecast for Keswick =CA12+5pg Infrared Satellite Weather Images n/map/gcty8ey7h#?map=Rainfall&fcTime=1632627300&zoom=5&lo n=-4.00&lat=55.01 For more information on protecting your property visit the Environment Agency website at: http://www.environment- or The National Flood Forum at: Stay in and Tune in! Radio Cumbria 104.1FM Information from Keswick Flood Action Group revised November 2021 BE PREPARED Part 2 Prior to and Imminent Flooding … Information Leaflet from Keswick Flood Action Group Make sure you have adequate insurance If you have real problems getting cover contact the National Flood Forum on 01299-403055 or contact the British Insurance Brokers Association on 08770-950-1790. Unless you are diverting a small amount of flowing water sandbags are not a lot of use. Consider buying flood protection products such as lockable air brick covers and flood gates for all external doors. Many insurance companies will only recognise products which are kite marked to comply to British Standards as part of a package of measures put in place to help with insurance applications. Products which have been tested and qualify for the Kite Mark can be found on: h t t p : / / w w w . k i t e m a r k . c o m / p r o d u c t s - a n d - services/building/flood-protection.php Other useful products: waterproof tape to seal windows, large waterproof bags which chairs can be lifted into (if all else fails a bin bags sealed around table legs can help protect furniture!) Make sure you are registered with the Environment Agency to receive Flood Alert and Flood Warning messages. NEED HELP IN THE EVENT OF A FLOOD? To register contact heather Askew who organises the flood response team ( Keswick 017687- 80924 part-time usually Mondays & Fridays). We will then have arrangements in place to get a team of helpers out to you should a flood be imminent. MAKE A PLAN NOW – Have emergency telephone numbers to hand, a plastic bag with items you will need: torch, battery or wind-up radio, mobile phone, keys, rubber gloves, medication, food and a flask. Make sure boots, warm and waterproof clothing and/or blankets are easily accessible. Don’t forget there might be a power cut!! Keep important personal documents/photos and details of your insurance policy at a safe height. Make sure you know where to turn off your gas, electricity and water, label the switches etc. to remind yourself if necessary. Discuss as a family where you might all meet up if a flood is imminent- - remember roads/bridges may be closed. ONCE A FLOOD WARNING IS ISSUED Look after elderly and infirm neighbours and ensure their safety. Be ready to turn off water, gas and electricity supplies at the mains. Move your car to a safe place, make sure everyone including pets - are safe. Charge your mobile phone, check radio/torch batteries, fill flask/containers with water in case supply contaminated. Put your flood defences in place if you have nothing else plastic bags filled with soil can be used. Don’t forget to block sinks/baths/ground floor toilets to prevent backflow if you do not have backflow valves fitted. Make sure the dishwasher door is shut and that water cannot get into the house through washing machines etc. Move electrical items and valuables, including important documents and irreplaceable photos, to a first floor or higher. Listen to Radio Cumbria 104.1FM , the TV or check the Environment Agency web site for Keswick area to get accurate information. IN THE EVENT OF A FLOOD Floods can kill. Never try to walk or drive through floodwater. WAIT for the emergency services. Follow their instructions. If an evacuation order is issued you MUST comply. Remember to secure your property, sadly burglars target homes in the chaos of floods. Keep away from river banks/bridges - they may collapse in extreme situations or you may be swept off by large waves. Avoid contact with floodwater - it may be contaminated with sewage. Taking photos/noting the time of events will give the various authorities a clearer picture of how the flood develops. Call Floodline on 0345-988-1188 for the latest information and stay tuned to local radio.